Enswitch offers an Outlook add-in to support making calls to an Outlook contact's phone number.


  1. Download the installer zip file.
  2. Extract the zip file and open the installer using setup.exe.
  3. Follow the instructions.


  1. After installing the add-in, open Outlook and you should see the ribbon menu as below. Click on the configuration button.

  2. Outlook configuration menu

    Outlook configuration form
  3. Select your provider in the drop down list.
  4. Set your username and password, as used in the Enswitch web interface.
  5. Set the telephone line used for making calls.
  6. Optionally, set the callerid and dialplan used for making calls.
  7. Save the settings.

Calling a contact

  1. Switch to the Contact (People) list.
  2. Right click on a contact to display a pop-up menu.
  3. Select the call item as below. The pop-up call form will be displayed.
  4. Use the drop-down list to select the contact's telephone number which you want to call.
  5. Click the call button.

  6. Outlook contact

    Outlook call form


When a new version of the Enswitch Outlook add-in is available, you will receive a notification message in both the configuration and call forms. Click on the link to download the zip file for the new version.
New version notification

New version notification