The Enswitch code is stored in the Integrics git repositry. There is one git branch for each Enswitch version. You can download the code using 'git clone', specifying the branch for the version you wish to install. If in doubt as to which version to use, see the guides index page, and choose the most recent stable version listed there. If you require the latest features and are willing to tolerate an increased risk of bugs, you may choose to install a test version. Do not install a development version.

Access to the Integrics git repository is via SSH public. Before installing Enswitch, create an SSH key using 'ssh-keygen', and copy it to /root/.ssh/ on each Enswitch machine. Each Enswitch machine should use the same key. Then send the public key to Enswitch support. They will add your public key to the repository to give you access.

Enswitch expects to be installed into /opt/enswitch, as this path is hard coded into various programs.

To install Enswitch version 4.4:

  • cd /opt
  • git clone -b 4.4