JSON API » people

Available functions

people/createCreates a new person.
people/deleteDeletes a person.
people/getGets fields of a person.
people/importImports people.
people/listGets array of fields of people.
people/search/listGets array of fields of people recursively.
people/unlockUnlocks a person after too many failed logins.
people/updateUpdates an existing person.
people/zohocrm/createCreates a Zoho CRM user integration.
people/zohocrm/deleteDeletes a Zoho CRM user integration.
people/zohocrm/getGets fields of a Zoho CRM user integration.
people/zohocrm/listGets array of Zoho CRM user integrations.
people/zohocrm/updateUpdates an existing Zoho CRM user integration.