JSON API » mailboxes » mailboxes/update

Updates an existing mailbox.

Input parameters

Requires authentication and the administrator, residential, or user role privileges.

NameTypeDescriptionRequiredDefault value
auth_usernameStringAuthentication username.Yes
auth_passwordStringAuthentication password.Yes
mailboxStringMailbox to update.Yes
customerIntegerID of customer owning mailbox.NoCustomer of authentication user.
calleridStringCallerid to use on notification calls. Empty string for unknown.NoCurrent value.
descriptionStringDescription.NoCurrent value.
dtypeStringDestination type if caller presses 0 during greeting.NoCurrent value.
dnumberStringDestination number if caller presses 0 during greeting.NoCurrent value.
envelopeInteger1 to play message envelope, 0 not to.NoCurrent value.
notify_dnumberStringNumber to call for notification calls. Empty string for none.NoCurrent value.
notify_emailString"owner" to notify mailbox owner by email, "owner_wav" to also attach voicemail as .wav, empty string not to notify.NoCurrent value.
notify_forString"all" to notify for all messages, "fax" to notify for faxes, "text" to notify for text messages, "voicemail" to notify for voicemails, "voicemail_fax" to nofify for voicemails and faxes, empty string for no notifications.NoCurrent value.
notify_ltypeStringWhat to play on notifications calls. "voicemailbox" for access to mailbox without PIN, "voicemailboxpin" for access to mailbox with PIN, "voicemaillogin" to ask for mailbox and PIN.NoCurrent value.
notify_messageString"owner" to send text message to mailbox owner, empty string not to.NoCurrent value.
notify_onlyInteger1 to delete the message after sending notification emails, 0 not to.NoCurrent value.
ownerIntegerID of owner. 0 for none.NoCurrent value.
pagerStringSecondary email address to notify. Empty string for none.NoCurrent value.
pager_attachInteger1 to attach voicemail or fax to email to secondary address, 0 not to.NoCurrent value.
panelInteger1 to show in control panel, 0 not to.NoCurrent value.
pinStringPIN. Empty string is treated as keeping the current value.NoCurrent value.
playString"oldest" to play oldest message first, "newest" to play newest message first.NoCurrent value.
saycidInteger1 to say callerid, 0 not to.NoCurrent value.
saydurationInteger1 to say message duration, 0 not to.NoCurrent value.
temporary_activeInteger1 if temporary greeting is active, 0 if not.NoCurrent value.
timezoneStringTime zone.NoCurrent value.
transcribeInteger1 to send new voicemails to transcription URL, 0 not to. Only used if configured.No0
validationInteger1 to validate input then return, 0 for full action.No0


201Input passed validation. Only returned if validation=1.
400Invalid input parameters specified. Check the key and message fields for more details.
401The authentication details provided are invalid.
402Your role does not allow this.
403Your rate plan does not allow this.
404The mailbox does not exist, or you do not have permission to update it.

Data returned

No data is returned.

Example: Changing the PIN


{ "responses":[ { "code":"204", "key":"", "message":"OK" } ] }

Change history

3.15"all" and "text" values added to notify_for input parameter.
3.14transcribe input parameter added.
3.13Function added.