Most changes in Enswitch 4.3 purely add functionality, but some change or remove functionality. Here is a list of such changes. If any of these adversely affect you, please contact support as soon as possible.

  • init.d, and the Devuan and Suse Linux distributions, are no longer supported.
  • Google Checkout is no longer supported.
  • Queue event timestamps are exported as decimals to the nearest microsecond.
  • The executable /opt/enswitch/bin/calld no longer offers an option to run as a daemon, then any crontab entry using it should be updated to remove its "-f" argument. Also, its systemd configuration file and init.d script have been removed, then any server using it should be updated to remove its /etc/systemd/system/enswitch_calld and /etc/init.d/enswitch_calld files.
  • As usual, some JSON API functions have changed. If using the JSON API, these should be reviewed before upgrading.