JSON API » customers » customers/export

Exports the configuration of all customers and optionally their data.

Input parameters

Requires authentication and the system role privileges.

NameTypeDescriptionRequiredDefault value
auth_usernameStringAuthentication username.Yes
auth_passwordStringAuthentication password.Yes
customerIntegerID of customer to be exported.NoCustomer of authentication user.
deletedInteger1 to return both non-deleted and deleted customers, 0 to only return non-deleted customers.No0
recursiveInteger1 to return sub-customers recursively, 0 not to.No0
dataInteger1 to return the data of each customer, 0 not to. This parameter is ignored if the parameter type is set to "csv".No0
typeStringThe format that the exported data is in. "csv" or "json".No"json"


401The authentication details provided are invalid.
402Your role does not allow this.
404No customers found.

Data returned

A JSON object composed of arrays of fields, corresponding to the rows of the customers table in the database as well as their features. Additionally, if data=1 then the data of each customer is included, like voicemail messages, recordings, etc.

Example: With required parameters


{ "responses":[ { "code":"200", "key":"", "message":"OK" } ], "data":[ { "id":2, "name":"Customer 1", ... }, { "id":3, "name":"Customer 2", ... }, ] }

Change history

4.0Parameter type added.
3.14Function added.