3.6 makes no changes to the cdrs, so "enswitch upgrade" should run quickly even on large systems.

To upgrade from Enswitch 3.5 to Enswitch 3.6

  1. On all machines, do:
    • cpan Time::HiRes
  2. On all machines, check out /opt/enswitch/branches/3.6.
  3. On all machines, update the /opt/enswitch/current symlink.
  4. On the primary database machine, do:
    • enswitch upgrade
  5. On all machines, do:
    • enswitch restart
  6. If any of the directories directly under /var/lib/enswitch are symlinks, change the "Find options" configuration setting to "-H".
  7. Test calls and the web interface.
  8. On the primary database machine, do:
    • enswitch after_upgrade