3.1 makes no changes to the "cdrs" or "cdrcosts" tables, so the database upgrade should run in less than a minute on most installations.

To upgrade from Enswitch 3.0 to Enswitch 3.1

  1. On all machines, check out /opt/enswitch/branches/3.1.
  2. On all machines, update the /opt/enswitch/current symlink.
  3. On the primary database machine, do:
    • enswitch drop_foreign_keys
    • enswitch upgrade
  4. Determine whether OpenSIPS or OpenSER is in use, and if so then edit /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg or /etc/openser/openser.cfg and:

    Change line:
    modparam( "usrloc", "db_mode", 2 )
    #route( 3 );
    modparam( "usrloc", "db_mode", 3 )

    After these lines:
    if ( isflagset( 7 ) ) {
    	sl_send_reply( "403", "Not allowed from this IP address" );
    Add these lines, indenting as appropriate:
    if ( $fU == "" || $fU != $au ) {
    	sl_send_reply( "403", "From user is blank or different to authentication user" );
    replacing OpenSIPS with OpenSER if necessary. If in doubt, read /opt/enswitch/current/install/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg to see the correct place and indenting.
  5. On all machines, do:
    • enswitch restart
  6. Under System » Roles, edit any roles that are not shipped with Enswitch by default, setting access as desired, and save the role.
  7. Test calls and the web interface.
  8. On the primary database machine, do:
    • enswitch after_upgrade