Per-customer parking
Parking can be done within Enswitch rather than Asterisk, which allows each customer to have their own range of parking slot numbers. Some customers want this so they can have telephone keys park and pick up calls from their own parking slot numbers with one press.
With Enswitch 3.15 parking slots between customers can overlap and do not have to be within one system-wide range. For example, customer A can use slots 701-799, customer B use slots 700-710, and customer C use slots 210-250.
Shared parking slots can be created at the system level which are available to all customers. Customer-specific parking slots are assigned within each customer. When a call is parked the system will try to use a customer-specific parking slot number, and failing that will use a shared parking slot from the system level.
- On the Enswitch web interface, under System » Configuration, ensure that "Park start" and "Park end" reflect the "parkpos" range configured in /etc/asterisk/res_parking.conf (Asterisk 13 and later) or /etc/asterisk/features.conf (Asterisk 11 and earlier) on the Asterisk servers. The actual values used in the range are not important as they are not the parking slots customers will see. A larger range will allow more calls to be parked.
- On the Enswitch web interface, under System » Configuration, set "Enable per-customer parking" to Yes.
- Wait until 1 minute has passed since the step above to allow the configuration to be updated and the "Park call" destination to appear on the web.
- On the Enswitch web interface, make a new feature code *7 going to "Park call" at the system level. Make sure this feature code may be used by any customer on the system.
- On the Enswitch web interface, make feature codes with destination "Parking slot" at the system level, for shared parking slots. Make sure these feature codes may be used by any customer on the system. It is important to complete everything up to this step to ensure customers can continue to use call parking.
- On the Enswitch web interface, switch to each customer in turn and create feature codes with destination "Parking slot" for their customer-specific slots. Customers will be able to use the system level parking slots if they don't have their own slots defined.
- Test parking and picking up calls.