To configure integration
- Add "authorizenet" to the "Credit card merchant types" setting under System » Configuration. If there is already a setting, add a ",authorizenet" to the end - for example "commweb,authorizenet".
- Wait one minute for this setting to take effect.
- Go to Settings » Commerce, change the merchant account provider to "", enter your username and password, and click save.
- Ask any resellers who have an account to do the same, using their username and password.
- Ask postpaid customers as appropriate to enter their credit card details in Settings » Payment.
- Change the payment type of customers to "Credit card" as appropriate in Commerce » Customers.
- On the first day of each month, after the monthly invoices have run, use Reports » Invoices to search for invoices with status "Payment refused", and contact these customers to collect payment using some other means. Any resellers who have configured credit card integration should do the same.