This page describes the changes needed to change the IP address of Enswitch machines. It is not exhaustive; in particular additional steps may be required at a Linux level if other software is installed. This page assumes that host names will stay the same - if not, see changing host names.

The following updates are required at a Linux level:

  1. Change the network interface.
  2. Update /etc/hosts on all machines in the cluster.
  3. Update DNS.
  4. Update reverse DNS.
  5. Update iptables on all machines in the cluster.

The following updates are required at an Enswitch level:

  1. Update System » Domains.
  2. Update System » Machines.
  3. Update the "SIP domain" custom setting for any rate plans with it set to an IP address. If using provisioning, each Polycom telephone will need re-saved to regenerate its provisioning file. This does not apply to other manufacturers.
  4. Review the System » Configuration menu, and update any settings as required.
  5. If this machine is running corosync and pacemaker, update the shared IP address resource using crm.
  6. If this machine is running MySQL, update /etc/enswitch/databases.ini on all machines in the cluster and the database server in /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg on the Kamailio machines.
  7. If this machine is running MySQL, update /etc/asterisk/res_config_mysql.conf on all Asterisk machines.
  8. If this machine is a MySQL server with replication, update replication settings on the other machine.
  9. If MySQL has been configured to allow access only from certain machines or subnets, add the new address.
  10. If this machine is running Kamailio, update the listen address in /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg (if set).
  11. If this machine is running Kamailio, update /etc/asterisk/sip.conf on all Asterisk machines.
  12. If this machine is running enswitch_messaged, update the "Message daemon IP address" setting under System » Configuration.
  13. If this machine is an NFS client, update /etc/exports on the server.
  14. If this machine is an NFS server, update /etc/fstab and remount /var/lib/enswitch on the clients.

When done, reboot. When the machine comes back up, check that:

  1. If using NFS, NFS filesystems are mounted on all machines.
  2. If using MySQL replication, replication is running in both directions.
  3. Inbound calls are working from each number provider.
  4. Outbound calls are working to each peer.
  5. Calls to and from SIP handsets are working.
  6. The web interface is working.