Log into the web interface, and set the following:

  • Under the System » Configuration menu, any settings marked as "THIS SETTINGS NEEDS TO BE SET ON NEW INSTALLATIONS. PLEASE SET IT NOW."
  • Under the System » Machines, all machines in the cluster, including any corosync and pacemaker service IP address.
  • Under Settings » Customer, the details for your customer such as primary contact and billing address.
  • Under Features » People, the details for your person such as title, name, and email address.
  • In the system rate plan, the "SIP domain" and "Web URL base" custom settings. This can be done using the "Click here to set the appearance of this page." link on the home page.
  • Optionally, go to System » Domains and add any extra local domains that the system will allow. Normally this is not needed because the Enswitch installer adds a domain based on the IP address or DNS name that you specified.
  • Under the Global » Settings » Configuration menu, ensure that the values for the "Sound file download options" and "Sound file upload options" settings are correct for the sox version installed on your servers. This may be done by checking the supported options of the "sox" executable, with commands like these:
    • sox -s
    • sox -w
    • sox -e