To administer a customer's features, you should log in as them. If you know the password of a person within that customer, you can log out then log in as that person. In most cases, however, you will not know the password, nor is it good practice to. To switch to being logged in as a person if you do not know their password:
- Log in to the Enswitch web interface.
- Go to Commerce » Customers.
- Click the name of the customer.
- Click the "People for this customer" link at the bottom of the page.
- Click the "Switch" link beside the username you wish to switch to.
- Perform whatever actions you wish to as this user.
- When done, select the person you were previously logged in as (or "Log out »") from the select box at the top-right of the page.
In addition to being able to switch to people, you can switch to a special pseudo-person in each customer. This is the customer name in square brackets, such as "[Example customer]". When logged in as such a person, you have the same access as a person in this customer with reseller status, except that rate plan feature restrictions which apply are for the parent reseller, not the customer you have switched to. This allows you to administer a customer with no people or very restricted features. For example, you can forbid a customer from making telephone lines, but use the pseudo-person to make accounts for them. You do not need to make a person for this pseudo-person; it is created automatically when you switch to it. To do this:
- Log in to the Enswitch web interface.
- Go to Commerce » Customers.
- Click the "Switch" link beside the customer you wish to switch to.
- Perform whatever actions you wish to as this user.
- When done, select the person you were previously logged in as (or "Log out »") from the select box at the top-right of the page.
In practice, switch to the customer is easier and more commonly used than switch to a person.