JSON API » user » user/password/lost

Sends a user their web password reset link via email.

Input parameters

Does not require authentication.

NameTypeDescriptionRequiredDefault value
usernameStringUser name.Yes, unless email is specified.
emailStringEmail address.Yes, unless username is specified.
web_baseStringBase URL for password reset link.Yes, unless rate plan custom setting is set.Rate plan custom setting.
pathStringURL path for password reset link.No"/user/password/update/"

Either the username or email must be specified. If both are specified, the username is used.


204If the person exists, an email was sent. If not, no action was taken.
400Invalid input parameters specified. Check the key and message fields for more details.
500An error occurred within the server. Check the key and message fields for more details.

Data returned

No data is returned.

Example: With username


{ "responses":[ { "code":"204", "key":"", "message":"OK" } ] ] }

Change history

3.13Function added.