Missed call notification email body

This is the body of the email that is sent when a telephone line misses a call. Available variables are:

  • <TMPL_VAR NAME=XXX> Name of any column xxx from table 'active', referring to the call that was missed
  • <TMPL_VAR NAME=YYY> Name of any column yyy from table 'phones', referring to the telephone line that missed the call
  • <TMPL_VAR NAME=ZZZ> Name of any column zzz from table 'people', referring to the owner of the telephone line that missed the call
  • <TMPL_VAR NAME=PHONE> the dnumber of the telephone line that missed the call
  • <TMPL_VAR NAME=CALLERID> the caller ID of the caller
  • <TMPL_VAR NAME=CALLERNAME> the caller name of the caller