JSON API » plans

Available functions

plans/classes/createCreates a new rate plan number class.
plans/classes/deleteDeletes a rate plan number class.
plans/classes/getGets fields of a rate plan number class.
plans/classes/listGets array of fields of rate plan number classes.
plans/classes/pricesGets prices for customer to purchase number.
plans/classes/updateUpdates an existing rate plan number class.
plans/createCreates a new rate plan.
plans/deleteDeletes a rate plan.
plans/features/getGet fields of a rate plan feature.
plans/features/listGet fields of all features for a rate plan.
plans/features/maximumGets the maximum number of a feature a customer may create.
plans/features/setSets values of a rate plan feature.
plans/fees/getGets a fee for a rate plan feature.
plans/fees/setSets a fee for a rate plan feature.
plans/getGets fields of a rate plan.
plans/ingroups/createCreates a new rate plan inbound group.
plans/ingroups/deleteDeletes a rate plan inbound group.
plans/ingroups/getGets fields of a rate plan inbound group.
plans/ingroups/importImports inbound groups into rate plan.
plans/ingroups/listGets array of fields of rate plan inbound groups.
plans/ingroups/updateUpdates an existing rate plan inbound group.
plans/listGets array of fields of rate plans.
plans/outgroups/createCreates a new rate plan outbound group.
plans/outgroups/deleteDeletes a rate plan outbound group.
plans/outgroups/getGets fields of a rate plan outbound group.
plans/outgroups/importImports outbound groups into rate plan.
plans/outgroups/listGets array of fields of rate plan outbound groups.
plans/outgroups/updateUpdates an existing rate plan outbound group.
plans/products/createCreates a new rate plan product.
plans/products/deleteDeletes a rate plan product.
plans/products/getGets fields of a rate plan product.
plans/products/listGets array of fields of rate plan product.
plans/products/updateUpdates an existing rate plan product.
plans/routes/createCreates a new rate plan route.
plans/routes/deleteDeletes a rate plan route.
plans/routes/getGets fields of a rate plan route.
plans/routes/importImports routes into rate plan.
plans/routes/listGets array of fields of rate plan routes.
plans/routes/updateUpdates an existing rate plan route.
plans/updateUpdates an existing rate plan.