This upgrade makes some changes to the cdrs table, and both "enswitch upgrade" and "enswitch after_upgrade" may take some tens of minutes to run on larger systems.

To upgrade from Enswitch 3.10 to Enswitch 3.11

  1. Delete any unnecessary CDRs.
  2. If using database replication, check for the following lines in /etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/my.cnf and add them if missing. Restart the mysql server and check replication is working after making changes.
    • auto_increment_increment = 2
    • auto_increment_offset = 1 on the primary machine, and auto_increment_offset = 2 on the backup machine.
  3. On all Debian or Ubuntu machines, do:
    • apt-get install enscript
  4. On all CentOS, Fedora, or Redhat Enterprise machines, do:
    • yum install enscript
  5. On all CentOS or Redhat Enterprise machines older than CentOS/RHEL 7 or Fedora machines older than 19, do:
    • cpan Socket
  6. On all machines, check out /opt/enswitch/branches/3.11.
  7. On all machines, update the /opt/enswitch/current symlink.
  8. On the primary database machine, do:
    • enswitch upgrade
  9. On all Asterisk machines, do:
    • vi /etc/asterisk/confbridge.conf # And check for changes
    • cp /opt/enswitch/current/install/etc/asterisk/confbridge.conf /etc/asterisk/confbridge.conf
    • Re-apply any changes
  10. On all machines, do:
    • enswitch restart
  11. Test calls and the web interface.
  12. Edit all Yealink provisioning templates under Features » Provisioning, and change "DKtype = 16" to "DKtype = <TMPL_IF NAME=BUTTON_SPEEDDIAL>13<TMPL_ELSE>16</TMPL_IF>".
  13. On the primary database machine, do:
    • enswitch after_upgrade