Most changes in Enswitch 3.1 purely add functionality, but some change or remove functionality. Here is a a list of such changes. If any of these adversely affect your business, please contact Integrics as soon as possible to discuss options.

  • The "top-up by" setting per customer has been replaced with "top-up to", in order to handle multiple simultaneous transactions correctly. Data in the Enswitch database will be automatically migrated to make this transparent to customers. If you are setting this field via SOAP API or direct MySQL, you will need to adjust your script.
  • People are now referenced within the database and code by ID rather than username. This allows people to be renamed. If you're using direct MySQL, there are numerous database changes as a result.
  • Statistics are deleted from the database after one year.
  • More logging is done to /var/log/enswitch. It's important to monitor disk usage on this partition.
  • If you've translated or edited the language keys for the configuration options under System » Configuration, these keys have changed.
  • There are now specific provisioning templates for Snom 820 and 870. If you have custom Snom templates, you'll need to make 820.tmpl and 870.tmpl files in /etc/enswitch/templates/en/provision/snom.
  • Invoices for top-ups show taxes differently. Generate a test invoice to see the new format.
  • End users have more features on the edit telephone page.
  • The pre-defined peers have been removed due to lack of interest.