Enswitch includes a predefined list of PSTN carriers that Enswitch administrators can use to quickly define peers. They simply choose the carrier they wish to use, and enter the SIP username and password on the remote system. If you meet all of the following requirements, you may request that your system be included in this list for the next version of Enswitch:
- You offer wholesale PSTN termination to your customers.
- You have a redundant/failover Enswitch system.
- You offer 24/7/365 support to your customers.
- You allow customers to send any callerid (i.e. "Set original callerid" is set to allow in their rate plan).
- All calls from any customers using this service will be delivered directly to your Enswitch system, and will not go through intermediate gateways.
If you meet these requirements and are interested in being included, please contact your Enswitch vendor and provide them with the following information. All of the following must be supplied:
- Confirmation that you meet the requirements above.
- The name of your company or product as it will appear on the select box on the web interface. Please keep this as short as possible; no more than 4 words.
- The DNS hostname for customers to deliver SIP calls to. This must be listed under the System » Domains menu on your system.
- The currency your pricing is in. This must be one of the currencies defined in Enswitch.
- The dial plan you expect called numbers to be in. This must be one of the dial plans defined in Enswitch.
- The dial plan you expect callerids to be in. This must be one of the dial plans defined in Enswitch.
- Whether customers should use a SIP account (i.e. a telephone line) or a remote access account to authenticate outgoing calls.
- If a remote access account, whether they need to provide a called number prefix and the number of digits this is.
- A list of codecs you accept.
- The method customers should use to send DTMF. This is normally RFC2833.
- More detailed information about your services that is shown to Enswitch administrators once they have selected you. This can be text or HTML, and may be up to several paragraphs long.