The following destination types are defined within Enswitch.

Name Description dnumber
accessmenu Remote access menu N/A
attendant Auto-attendant N/A
attendant_noannounce Auto-attendant without announcement N/A
busy Busy tone until caller hangs up N/A
callback Call back Number to call back to
cancelforward Cancel call forwarding. Can only be called from SIP telephones N/A
code Feature code Number of feature code
conference Conference, ask for PIN Code of conference
conference_admin Conference, logged in as administrator Code of conference
conference_listen Conference, logged in as listener Code of conference
conference_talk Conference, logged in as talker Code of conference
conferencelogin Conference login menu N/A
congestion Congestion tone until the caller hangs up N/A
cardlogin Calling card login menu N/A
dial_by_name Dial by name menu N/A
dndtoggle Toggle do not disturb for calling device. Can be called from SIP telephone or external number N/A
dndtoggle_noanswer Toggle do not disturb for calling device, without answering. Can be called from SIP telephone or external number N/A
dndtoggle_queues Toggle do not disturb for calling device for queues only. Can be called from SIP telephone or external number N/A
dtmf DTMF test N/A
echo Echo test N/A
faxbox Fax to mailbox Mailbox number
faxtoemail Fax to email Email address(es) separated by spaces
forward Arbitrary number (can be external) Number to forward to
hangup Hang up call N/A
huntgroup Hunt group ID of hunt group
ivr IVR menu ID of IVR menu
ivrsetup IVR menu setup. May only be used as destination for IVR menu keys N/A
mailbox Mailbox Number of mailbox
music Music until the caller hangs up N/A
numbermenu Menu to change temporary routing of numbers N/A
pagegroup Page group ID of page group
patternmenu Pattern menu ID of pattern menu
peer Number at peer <number>@<ID of peer>
phone SIP telephone Account of telephone
phonelogin Virtual phone login menu N/A
play_balance Play customer balance and hang up N/A
queue Queue ID of queue
redial Redial last called number. Can only be called from SIP telephones N/A
replaymenu Replay IVR menu. May only be used as destination for IVR menu keys N/A
return Return call of last caller. Can only be called from SIP telephones N/A
sipuri SIP URI URI to call
unlimited_access Unlimited access menu ID of unlimited access account
update_routing Set numbers destination Routing destination
url Ask web URL URL to invoke
voicemail Voicemail deposit menu Number of mailbox
voicemaillogin Voicemail login menu N/A
voicemailpin Voicemail login menu, ask for PIN Number of mailbox
vouchertopup Voucher topup menu N/A

dtypes whose dnumbers have been marked as "N/A" have no corresponding destination number, and any dnumber fields should be set to empty string.