You can create taxes to apply to prices charged to your customers. Multiple taxes can be defined, and each tax can be a percentage, a flat amount, or both.
To create a tax
- Log in to the Enswitch web interface.
- Go to Commerce » Taxes.
- Click the "New" button.
- Enter the following:
- A name for the tax.
- Optionally a description.
- The rate in percent. This is added to costs to customers.
- The amount. This is added to costs to customers after the rate.
- The currency the amount is in.
- Whether all customers are liable for this tax by default. This can be overridden per customer later.
- Whether this tax applies to the customer account fees each billing cycle. If you wish to add a flat amount per customer (for example for the USA's Universal Service Fund), set this to yes and all later settings to no.
- Whether this tax applies to customer features such as telephones, etc.
- Whether this tax applies to call costs.
- Whether this tax applies to products. This can be overridden per product later.
- Whether this tax applies to charges. This can be overridden per charge later.
- Click the "Save" button.